Swamijir Katha (স্বামীজীর কথা) by Swami Paradevatananda
Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha - Mayermandir saradapitha, Howrah, West Bengal, IndiaSwami Paradevatananda
Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha
A Branch Center of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math
Swami Paradevatananda
Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita, have the conversations of Sri Ramakrishna with his disciples, devotees and visitors, as recorded by Mahendranath Gupta, who wrote the book in Bengali under the pseudonym …
Ramcharitmanas (Devanagari: रामचरितमानस rāmacaritamānasa), is an epic poem in the Awadhi language, composed by the 16th-century Indian bhakti poet Tulsidas (c. 1511–1623). It has many inspirations, the primary being the …
Endearingly known as ‘Holy Mother’, Sri Sarada Devi, the spiritual consort of Sri Ramakrishna, was born on 22 December 1853 in a poor Brahmin family in Jayrambati, a village adjoining Kamarpukur …
The singing of Ramnam Sankirtan in the centres of the Ramakrishna Order was started by none other than Swami Brahmananda. Rama's name is often chanted or sung within the …
The Chaitanya Charitamrita (Sanskrit: चैतन्यचरितामृत, romanized: Caitanya-caritāmṛta; Bengali: চৈতন্যচরিতামৃত, romanized: Côitônyôcôritamṛtô), composed by Krishnadasa Kaviraja in c. 1557, is written in Bengali with a great number of Sanskrit verses in …