The Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha is a branch center of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission, Belur Math. Swami Vivekananda envisioned the south plot near the Belur Math to be a center of learning where grammar, philosophy, science, literature, rhetoric, the Shrutis, Bhakti scriptures, and English will be taught. He ideated the need of Western science coupled with Vedanta, Brahmacharya as the guiding motto, and also Shradhha or faith in one’s own self.
Keeping this vision of Swami Vivekananda as a guiding force, Swami Vimuktanandaji founded Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, a multifaceted educational institution in the year 1941 situated at close proximity to the Headquarters of Belur Math. Saradapitha runs several educational Institutions with the object to spread education on the line best suited to our country in sync with the ideas and ideals of Swami Vivekananda, with emphasis on Vocational, Technical and non-formal education to rural people. Through Educational Institutions, the Saradapitha is engaged in the service of around four thousand students. Saradapitha renders service to the general public and also to a few hundred families in the rural areas of Hooghly, Howrah, Burdwan, 24-Parganas (South) etc. through its various units.
The Institutes
Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654-9181 / 9632 / 1115 / 3484
Fax: (033) 2654-1123
With a view to giving shape to Swami Vivekananda’s ideal of service (Shiva Jnane Jiba Seva) in the field of higher education, the authorities of the Ramakrishna Mission started the Vidyamandira as an Intermediate Arts College in 1941. The very name ‘Vidyamandira’ was given by Swami Vivekananda back in 1898 who had envisioned such an institution modelled on the ancient Indian ‘Gurukula’ system. Swami Vimuktanandaji and Swami Tejasanandaji Maharaj were the first Secretary and the first Principal, respectively, of this premier institute of higher learning. A fully residential institution for boys, the college was upgraded to a three-year degree college with effect from July 1960. Post graduate teaching was introduced subsequently from the academic session 2006-07. In 2010, the University Grants Commission conferred the status of ‘Autonomy’ to the institution for a period of six years. In 2010 again, the institution was selected by the UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) and a number of projects undertaken from funds obtained thereby.
In the year 2013, to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the college established ‘Swami Vivekananda Research Centre’ to run M. Phil. and Ph.D programmes. Also in the same year, in October 2013, the college was re-accredited by NAAC with Grade ‘A’. In March 2014, the college was awarded the status ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ (CPE) for the second time by the UGC. During 2015-16 session, the college was awarded DST-FIST by the Central Government. The status of autonomy was renewed in 2016 by the UGC and was extended for another 6 years. Vidyamandira received the ‘Star-college status’ from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India in 2019.
Vidyamandira was ranked 9th (resp. 11th & 7th) by NIRF at the national level in the college category in the year 2018 (resp. 2019 & 2020).
The College is offering three-year B.A. and B.Sc. Honours courses in a total of 13 subjects. The College is also offering two-year postgraduate courses Mathematics, Sanskrit, Bengali and Applied Chemistry. All these courses, as with the undergraduate ones, are conducted in the semester format and examinations held at the end of six months.
The College library has a very rich collection of books. The students may borrow books against their lending cards and retain them for a certain period of time. Besides this, books are also lent to the students on a long-term basis, so that they can retain a number of textbooks for the whole duration of the course. Well-equipped Computer Laboratories have been set up in the College with UGC and state assistance.
In addition to academic education, co-curricular activities form an important aspect of student training in Vidyamandira. This blend of academic and non-academic activities helps in the harmonious development of head, hand and heart. Vidyamandira has rich facilities for sports and games as well as athletics. It has a large playground and a ell-equipped multigym. A separate it of the senior NCC (Army) and NSS (National Service Scheme) is functioning in Vidyamandira. A college magazine named ‘Vidyamanira Patrika’ is published annually with the active involvement of the students. The college organizes a number of national and international level seminars on various topics every year. A large number of students, teachers and research scholars from different institutions attend these seminars. Financial assistance in the form of monthly stipends is provided every year to needy and meritorious students on a merit-cum means basis. The college also has a large and active Alumni Association. Recognized as one of the premier college under University of Calcutta, RKMV is firmly committed to its ideal of providing a character-building and man-making education.
Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654 – 9281 / 6081 / 4814 / 1635
Fax: (033) 2654 – 4412
Email: ,
The Ramakrishna Mission Sikshanamandira, Belur Math was founded in 1958 by Srimat Swami Vimuktanandaji Maharaj (one of the architects for actualizing the educational vision as was envisaged by Swami Vivekananda), as a Residential Teachers’ Training College for male students sponsored by the Govt. of West Bengal and affiliated to the University of Calcutta. The College was recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and was upgraded to a College of Teacher Education (CTE) by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt, of India and at present it is one of the four CTEs in West Bengal. It was accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in the year 2007 with an ‘A’ grade, and it has been upgraded into a post graduate College by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) on the recommendations of the University Grants Commission (UGC). The University of Calcutta has recently conferred the status of an Autonomous College in favor of this Institution. Apart from the regular courses, this institution organizes every year in-service training programs for school teachers and national and international level seminars, workshops etc. The institution regularly publishes various proceedings, books and a couple of journals of international standard.
Vision: To actualize Swami Vivekananda’s educational idea of imparting life-building, man-making and character-building education through a balanced combination of secular and spiritual training.
Mission: To train teachers who will harmonize professional competence with high idealism and seek to implement the educational vision of Swami Vivekananda in a practical manner.
Location: Sikshanamandira is situated in the midst of a peaceful and beautiful campus in the proximity of the sacred precincts of Belur Math, Howrah.
Courses: B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph. D. and Post Graduate Diploma in Guidance & Counselling

P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: 2654 9381
Fax: 2654 9158
Swami Vivekananda after visiting USA & Europe had given great importance to Technical education & wanted to start a Technical Institute first at the Belur Math. Swami Vimuktananda, Founder Secretary, Saradapitha envisioned Govt sponsored Engineering School which was converted to a Polytechnic offering Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Diploma to young men of Bengal since 1954. After passing through difficult times in the turbulent history of Bengal, in 2007 it became a Self financing Polytechnic with intake of 220 students, in Civil Engg (60), Mechanical Engg (60). Electrical Engg (40) and Electronics Telecom Engg (60) located in a 6’/2 acres property with 8600 sq.m. carpet area. It has well equipped Workshops, Labs, Drawing Halls, Library (20000 books), Learning Resource Centre and other facilities.
It has a track record of 100% campus interviews and students standing toppers in every diploma exam in every department held by West Bengal State Council for Technical Education (WBSCTE) and is approved by All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi. Its rigorous Personality Development training of every student with prayers, meditation, readings from Swamiji, Presentations, Competitions, Mock Interviews, Seminars, Industry visits, Vocational training, Study tours, Aptitude tests, Games etc. has fetched itself acclaim in public and industries. Swamiji wanted common Indian to be skilled like in western countries so as to make him/her self employed. Under the aegis of Shilpamandira at its other one acre property near Tattwamandira, a Community Polytechnic was started in 1989 with activities like skill training, technology transfer, technical services to villages with a number of extension centres. In 2007 it was converted to Community Training Centre (CTC) presently giving hands on training in 8 trades like welding, machining, auto repair, AC repair etc. for about 600 trainees a year. All courses are accredited by West Bengal State Council for Technical Education (WBSCTE).
In tune with times and with 2 computers, 1 printer a self financed Computer Centre (CC) started its journey in 1993 under Community Polytechnic and presently it has more than 200 computers & other facilities offering one man – one machine state-of-the-art training in 14 courses, accredited by WBSCTE for over 1400 trainees a year. Both CTC & CC projects of Shilpamandira conduct corporate training for Industries & Goverment agencies.

Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654-890809
Email: N/A
Ramakrishna Mission Samaj Sevak Sikshan Mandir, a unit of Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, a branch centre of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, was established in the year 1986 as a residential training centre for the rural youths.
Mission & Vision:
The Institute was established with the vision of Swami Vivekananda to train a band of young men through a course in a combination of oriental spirituality with occidental science and technology. The vision engulfs self-employment through entrepreneurship venture in the field of agriculture, industry, trade and commerce rather than running after job opportunities elsewhere.
It enshrines a goal to impart free residential training on social work with appropriate rural technology primarily on agriculture and allied activities and eventually to emerge as a vocational training centre for self-employment and rural development.
Onward Training:
In the year 2007-08 this Institute entered into a tie-up arrangement with United Bank of India and NABARD to act a RUDSETI (Rural Development & Self-employment Training Institute) type institute for conducting various training programmes under Joint venture of three organizations on equal cost sharing basis.
Under the new arrangement the residential core training programme of 10 months’ duration of the institute has been renamed as ‘REDP’ (Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme). Alongside a number of non-residential “Skill Development Initiative” (SDI) off-campus training programmes extending vocational training facilities to unemployed youth in rural areas has also been introduced.
Spectrum of Training Courses under REDP
Training courses includes both in-house training and field placement. Subject specific disciplines, inter alia, include Agri-Horticultural practices, Poultry farming, Duck rearing, Pisciculture, Ornamental Fish Cultivation, Animal Husbandry & Animal Health Care, Apiculture, Aviculture, Mushroom cultivation & Spawn culture, Vermi-culture & Vermi-composting, Food Processing, Basic Computer Training etc. along with Environment & Sanitation, Primary Health Care, Agriculture Extension. Entrepreneurship Development, Social Studies and Organisation Building. For practical training & wider exposure the trainees visit the centres of excellence (field placement) for respective activities for a week or couple of weeks.
The Managing Committee aided by a Project Monitoring Committee, consisting of the representatives of NABARD, UBI, Line Depts. of Govt. of West Bengal and Monks of Ramakrishna Mission, governs its micro-level activities and give their valuable suggestions in its day-to-day functioning.
Special Status:
The Dept. of Agriculture, Govt, of West Bengal has recognized this institute as a resource centre for training of farmers at large.
Ministry of Rural Development, Govt, of India vis-a-vis National Advisory gave it a grade “A” amongst all RUDSETIS in the country for the year 2011 -12
Post Training Support:
The ex-trainees visit the institute as and when necessary to seek advices of the institute’s faculties regarding various issues encountered by then in their ventures. Reciprocally, resource persons of the institute pay occasional visit to their respective villages to address their needs.
Necessary arrangements for financial assistance by want of loan from its own ‘Self Employment Fund’ created for the purpose and linkage with bank for project oriented funding have been made.
Resultantly, hundreds of ex-trainees themselves are financially established as well as a large number of employment provisions for local youths have also been created in their venture.
Financial Literacy & Credit Counselling Centre (FLCC):
Pursuant to directives of Reserve Bank of India/NABARD, a FLCC has been set up by UBI within the premises of the institute to facilitate propagation of information and knowledge relating to various financial service products of banks for the benefit of general mass and the trainees of the institute in particular.
Institute’s pride-Faculty strength:
The Institute is proud of his faculties/Resource Persons emanating from Council for RUDSETI has awarded “Certificate of Excellence” to the Institutel various disciplines including streams-Agri./Horticulture, Veterinary/Animal Science, Pisciculture, Aviculture, Apiculture, EDP etc.
Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654 2080
The Ramakrishna Mission Shilpavidyalaya, an Industrial Training Centre, established in 1921, is the first of its kind in the technical field, giving shape to educational ideas of Swami Vivekananda.
At present this Institute gives vocational training in the following trades to under privileged students of rural and urban areas (Total – 177), who have passed the secondary examination and are unable to proceed further.
A) 4 NCVET (National Council for Vocational Education & Training, Govt. of India, New Delhi) affiliated courses of 2 years duration –
1. Draughtsman (Civil) with Auto CAD
2. Draughtsman (Mech.) with Auto CAD
3. Electrician
4. Electronics Mechanic
B) 3 Non-NCVET courses of 1 year duration –
1. Plumbing & Sanitation cum Electrician
2. Electrical Equipment Repairing & Maintenance
3. Electronics Equipment Repairing & Maintenance
C) Computer Hardware & Maintenance course of 6 months duration
Apart from this daily prayer & spiritual classes are held in our Prayer Hall. Annual cultural competitions such as Speech, Essay, Recitation & Quiz etc. on the lives and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Deva, Sri Ma Sarada Devi & Swami Vivekananda, Vishwakarma Puja, Saraswati Puja and other cultural programs are held every year. A wall magazine is also published periodically by the students of different trades.
Annual Football, Cricket & Volleyball tournament and also Annual Sports Meet among the students is held. At the Annual Prize distribution ceremony, held every year, prizes are awarded to the students for their Academic excellence and the above co-curricular activities.
Technical Scholarship & Stipend are provided every year to some poor but meritorious students. After graduating, most of our students are engaged with jobs in different industries or further training and studies.
Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654-1052
Fax: (033) 2654-1052
Ramakrishna Mission Shilpayatana is one of the oldest Private Industrial Training Institute founded under Ramakrishna Math & Mission with the ideology of Swami Vivekananda on Man Making Education. It has four ITI Trade courses – Electrician, Fitter, Turner and Welder- under Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) afffiliated to National Council for Vocational Education & Training (NCVET), New Delhi. It was established in 1963 as a Government Sponsored Junior Technical School, during the birth centenary celebrations of Swami Vivekananda. Swamiji is the greatest and most remarkable philosopher sage and karma yogi one comes across in Modern India, who sailed to the United States of America in 1893 to find means for the material development of the masses of India. He represented Hinduism at the Chicago Parliament of Religions. This institution has been nurtured with Swami Vivekananda’s ideas to help build a bridge for the masses, especially in rural India, to connect to modern industry. Hundreds of youth who would otherwise have had no scope to go in for higher education have been trained here in skills and are gainfully employed in various well-known industries.
“We need technical education and all else which may develop industries, so that men, instead of seeking for service, may earn enough to provide for themselves and to save something against a rainy day.”
Swami Vivekananda
Postal Address:
P.O. – Belur Math, Dist. – Howrah
State: West Bengal, India
Pin: 711 202
Telephone: (033) 2654 1145
As a unit of Ramakrishna Mission Saradapitha, Janasikshamandira is mainly engaged in multidimensional developmental work in Education, Health, Income generation Programme etc. for the backward class people of 7 districts of West Bengal i.e. Howrah, Hooghly, Burdwan, South 24 Parganas, North 24 Parganas, Purba Medinipur and Paschim Medinipur.
At present 71 village-level organizations are associated with our activities, A brief account of the activities is given below:
1. Non-formal education center:
Objective: To educate the illiterate or drop out students of age group 9 to 14 years aiming at getting them admitted in class-V formal school.
a. Free Coaching Center:
b. Adult education center: (For Women Fully belong to SC community)
2. Vocational Training:
a. Tailoring
b. Two-wheeler
c. Welding
d. Repairing of electrical & electronic equipment including cell phone
e. Basic computer operation
f. Vivek Bahini (Youth leadership training along with Bratachari, P.T., Parade etc.)
3. Library service
4. Health Service
a. Charitable Dispensary (Allopathic)
b. Eye care service
5. Sanitary mart
6. General welfare work:
a. Providing rice
b. Medical help
c. Educational help
d. Educational kit distribution to the children